12 burger challenge

Every click around social media I see another “challenge.” I’m sure by now everyone is familiar with the Tide Pod challenge that encourages teens and 20 something to record themselves eating detergent pods. Thankfully I found a challenge that won’t kill me…. Well, as quickly anyway. It is The 12 Burger Challenge.

Now first things first I’ll be doing some restaurant name dropping, but the places I visit don’t know me, and I didn’t get paid to visit them. I did this all for the love of burgers and probably because I enjoy the grasping hand of death that accompanies eating too much meat in one setting.

The Rules: Find 12 different local burger joints (no McDonalds or Five Guys). Do not choose a burger from their menu, but instead ask them for the burger that they think defines their establishment.

Rinse, Repeat and post photos on the social media platform of your choice. I’m about 3 burgers in and have downed meats from Big Jud’s, Big Bun and Burger Time (which sadly closed its doors last week) so far. Maybe when I’m done I’ll use that coupon for a one month free gym membership I got in the mail. – Izzy

(Big Bun)

