If you had a name like these…

You might have heard the name “Pecker” in the news lately…David Pecker is the CEO of the National Enquirer and has been in the news after getting immunity in the case of Michael Cohen. Upon hearing Mr Pecker being mentioned, it got me thinking about all those poor souls out there with unfortunate last names, or even a combination of first and last names. I came across one that has got to be one of the best ever, and not just one name, but two people in the same story…and yes, it’s been verified as completely real. A news release about the arrest of a man was sent out via Twitter, by Ottawa (Canada) police Sargent…Lain Pidcock, detailing the incident of a man exposing himself in a park…and was arrested for indecent exposure. Fittingly enough, the man arrested was 62 year old Donald POPADICK!!

Below is a video compilation of numerous other funny ones for sure. ~ Ron


