My favorite Tom Petty videos

1 year since Tom Petty passed, wow.  Huge artist for me.  Always dug his style.  Here are a few of my favorite video clips of Tom. – Forrest

Tom Petty, Prince, Jeff Lynne, Steve Winwood & George Harrison\’s son.  Wow.  This video gives me the chills.  Watch until the end and watch Prince\’s guitar.

Tom Petty with Dave Grohl.  Perfect rock and roll story.  Look at Mike Campbell\’s smile when Dave pounds the heck out the drums on the intro.  You can feel his passion, hear the Nirvana in him and tell Mike loves it.

Johnny Cash with Tom Petty.  Tom Petty on bass?  Badass.  \”Best Heartbreakers record\” says Tom.  Also Tom\’s thoughts on modern country music is spot on.

Axl Rose with Tom Petty.  Not the best quality but cool that Tom would jam with Axl.  Axl doesn\’t have the best history with being on time and reliable, Tom Petty doesn\’t care.

Eddie Vedder from Pearl Jam with The Heartbreakers.   It\’s so much \”Eddie Vedder\” but you know what?  It kind of fits and Tom seems to get into it.  Yeah yeah, yeah yeah, yeah yeah yeah.

